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Energy transformations

The interplay between potential and kinetic energy is at the heart of pendulum and roller coaster motion. Even if some energy is always converted to heat during a swing or throughout a roller coaster ride, the losses are sufficiently small that changes in potential energy  can be used to estimate changes in speed, through the corresponding changes in kinetic energy. The examples in the chapter include a roller coaster loop as well as the influence of the position in the train.

The initial energy for a roller coaster train is traditionally provided in the in the form of increased gravitational potential energy, in the lifthill, where a chain (or other device) pulls the train to the highest point ot the track. Many modern roller coasters instead give the train initial kinetic energy in the form of a launch. The chapter offers a deeper dive into the energy conversions during a hydraulic launch, as well as the heating and cooling of magnetic brakes at the end of the ride.

Keywords: work, energy, friction, free fall, energy transformations, acceleration, loop, magnetic brake, heating

Resources for chapter 6