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An amusement park uses many illusions to immerse you in an experience that modifies your surroundings to give an impression of danger while keeping guests safe. Optical illusions, from mirrors and lighting to forced perspectives, have long traditions both in amusement parks and elsewhere. Computer graphics can make a desktop workstation into a movie studio, creating effective ride movies with special effects, without the need for real tracks, buildings or persons. Three-dimensional movies are also used to visualize scientific data, from the atom, to the inside of the body and through the universe, offering an educational component to immersive experiences.

Motion platforms make use of the limited precision in our perception of acceleration, slope and rotation. More recently, virtual reality (VR) has been combined with physical roller coasters to create VR coasters.

Keywords: mirrors, ray diagram, forced perspective, sensory misalignment, motion platforms, simulators, virtual reality, augmented reality

Visualizations and virtual reality



Pepper's ghost


Vekoma mad house 
