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Physics on a Playground

In addition to having fun, enjoyment and physical exercise a playground visit can be used to support the teaching about force and motion at different levels, from preschool to university. It can be used as a preparation for amusement park physics days, with some analogous investigations. In addition, a play- ground provides easy access and more freedom to bring equipment and to experiment with motion and with different objects.

This chapter starts with a presentation of investigations on a small play- grounds, with climbers, slides and swings. This introduction is followed by brief discussions of possibilities on large playgrounds, including parabolic whispering dishes, see-saws, carousels, spinning balls and trampolines. Thematic investigations, to integrate playground experiences into the curriculum, are suggested for several concepts: Equivalence between gravitational and inertial mass (the equivalence principle); torque and angular momentum; work and energy as well as friction and rolling on inclined planes. Finally, the organization of playground teaching days is discussed to support sharing the joy of physics with teachers for younger students.

Keywords: friction, sliding motion, free fall, periodic motion, pendulum motion (swinging), rolling, moment of inertia, circular motion, carousels, merry-go-ground, acceleration, smartphones

Resources for Chapter 11

Playground part of this site: Carousels, Falling objects, Slide, and Swings