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Technology and Safety

Technology lies at the heart of exciting experiences in the amusement park, creating tensions between magic and reality, between the experiences of eyes and body, danger and safety. It is easy to forget how much science and technology lie behind what we take for granted. This chapter aims to help you and your students discover the technological solutions that send you away on rides and keep you safe until the end. These solutions include tracks, lift hills and rollback protections, mechanical and magnetic brakes, hydraulics, pneumatics, electromagnetism and proximity sensors for block systems in roller coasters, as well as safety routines and standards.

Keywords: hydraulics, pneumatics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, infrared imaging, roller coasters, amusement park technology, safety

Resources for chapter 10

External resources

Helix Backstage, Morning checks and magnetic brakes. Video from Theme Park Science 2023

Coasters and More: Detailed presentations of roller coaster elements, as well as individual roller coaster.