Poppy Tower Ride: Graphs

Forces in the Poppy Tower
The graph above shows data collected with an iPhone 11, using the app PhyPhox during the teacher day on 9 October 2019. The total force was obtained by calculating the vector sum of the forces along the three axes, i.e. N/m= (ax+ ay + az)1/2, which works well, since there are no negative G-forces in the Poppy Towers.
The graph below shows two bumps in more detail.

Look at the graph of the forces during two bumps. At the beginning of the graph you are essentially at rest in the highest point. Consider the following questions.
- At what time is the acceleration largest?
- When do you move the fastest on the way up?
- When do you move the fastest on the way down?
- At what time do you feel the heaviest?
- At what time do you feel the heaviest?
- Could you draw an approximate graph of the velocity during these bumps?
Read more about force, velocity and elevation in Familien Free Fall Towers in a recent paper.