Denna sida på svenska This page in English Loke - jättegunga med snurr Koordinataxlar för analysen av Loke dels det fixerade systemet XYZ, dels det medföljande systemet xyz, för olika lägen av åkturen. Det medföljande systemet används vid mätningarna i Loke, t.ex. med telefonen Raw data from the telephone G force "vertical" and "longitudinal". Note how the centripetal acceleration due to the pendulum motion gives an extra factor for the "x" coordinate (around 30-50 seconds), whereas the Coriolis effect contributes to the "vertical force " when the pendulum passes the bottom and rider is moving orthogonally to the axis of rotation. (The dashed line shows the result before rotation of the coordinate axes.) Exercise: Why do we expect the force in the x-direction to be negative? Comparison between the centripetal acceleration and the total g force in the z direction. The difference is partly due to the compensation of gravity, and partly to the Coriolis effect.