Artiklar om lekplatsfysik
- Med telefonen i en rulltrappa, A-M Pendrill, LMNT-nytt, 2020, nr 2
- Studsmattematte - fritt fall och harmonisk svängningsrörelse, Pendrill A-M Nämnaren 2015, nr 1, 37-42 (kopia)
- Friktion - experiment med klossar och rutschbanor. Enkel modell eller komplicerad verklighet? 11-åringar planerar, undersöker och diskuterar. A-M Pendrill, P. Ekström, L Hansson, P Mars, L Ouattara och U Ryan, LMNT-nytt 2014:2, s 1-6
- Gunga med Galileo - matematik för hela kroppen, Pendrill A-M (2012) Nämnaren (2) p 40-44
På engelska
- ChatGPT and the frustrated Socrates, Bor Gregorcic and Ann-Marie Pendrill 2023, Physics Education 58, 035021 (with video abstract)
- Serious physics on a playground swing, Pendrill A-M 2023, The Physics Teacher 61, 355 (with video abstract)
- Smartphones and Newton's first law in escalators and roller coasters, Pendrill A-M 2020 Physics Education 55 035016
- Training teachers to use playgrounds in physics teaching, Pendrill A-M 2019, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1286 012069
- Understanding acceleration: An interplay between different mathematics and physics representations Pendrill A-M 2019, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1286 012070
- Force, acceleration and velocity during trampoline jumps—a challenging assignment, Pendrill A-M and Ouattara L 2017, Physics Education 52, 6, 065021
- Free fall and the equivalence principle revisited, Pendrill A-M 2017, Physics Education 52, 6, 065002 (copy)
- Beyond velocity and acceleration: jerk, snap and higher derivatives, Eager D, Pendrill A-M and Reistad N 2016, European Journal of physics, 37, 6, 065008
- Liquids in accelerated motion, Fägerlind C-O and Pendrill A-M, Physics Education Physics Education 50, 648-650 (2015) (Manuskript)
- Free fall and harmonic oscillations - analysing trampoline jumps, Pendrill A-M and Eager D, Physics Education 50, 64-70(2015) (incl video abstract) (Manuscript) (Video abstract in Swedish)
- The equivalence principle comes to school - falling objects and other middle school investigations, Pendrill A-M, Ekström P, Hansson L, Mars P, Ouattara L and Ryan U (2014) Physics Education, 49, 425 (open access) with video abstract
- Playground swings. Part of joint article with Gary Williams: Swings and Slides, Physics Education, 40, 527 2005
På tyska
Pendelbewegung außerhalb des Klassenzimmers, A-M Pendrill plusLucis, nr 4 2024, s 11-16