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Edupark conference - Gröna Lund 12-14 Sept 2013

Report from the conference.

Amusement parks can be used in education in many different ways, to be discussed during this conference at Gröna Lund in Stockholm, bringing together actors from different countries who have presented material and met at Physics on Stage (PoS) and  Science on Stage (SonS) festivals. This meeting at Gröna Lund aims to deepen collaborations, inviting others to take part, share experiences and collaborate in continued development of activities and educational materials.


The Thursday afternoon program is open to teachers taking part in the Edutainment day (sign-up required e.g. during introductions at Vetenskapens Hus). Participation in the rest of the program is limited. Apply by sending an e-mail to - and write few lines presenting how you work with amusement parks in education, and thoughts on future development. The meeting is supported by Skolverket and is free of charge.

To travel in Stockholm we recommend the 72 hour card which also covers the boat fair between Gröna Lund and af Chapman, where most external participants are staying. To get to Gröna Lund, take tram 7 from "Sergel's torg". Note that the Friday morning sessions will be held at Vetenskapens Hus (Bus 44).

Torsdag 12 september, Edutainment day

Meet at Gröna Lund 11.30 at "Koporten", Allmänna gränd 9 - close to the main entrance which will be swamped with school classes waiting for the Edutainment Day (12-15). Sandwiches and drinks will be available for conference participants.

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee

15:30-17.30 Presentations in Classic Café (15 min + questions) 

  • Göran Sten: Student (age 13-15) learning in relation to Edutainment days
  • Lars Gråsjö (SonS 2013), Danderyd: High-school students at Edutainment Days
  • Maria Nilsson + Cia Malm-Boode, Fridaskolan, Vänersborg: May the force be with you- an interdisciplinary project with and about forces
  • Ulrik Lundby Hansen (SonS 2011), Faglige Dage at Tivoli, Natur & Fag at Bakken and activities in other parks
  • Giovanni Pezzi (PoS 2000, 2002, SonS 2005, 2011, 2013) , Physics days at Mirabilandia. A new format with physics shows, and science centre participation
  • Stefano Alberghi (SonS 2005) and Giovanni Pezzi (SonS 2013): Mathematical machines and other measurements devices for science activities at an Amusement Park

Break (Fruit) 17:30 – 19:00 Group discussions: e.g.

  • Interesting technology, physics, mathematics in amusement parks - and needs for more in-depth presentations
  • App's and computer programs for amusement park applications - share experiences with your favourite app - or tell about your dream app.
  • How can we organize a joint www site - and what should be included (this should have a different focus compared to sites for different parks)
    (Some themes may be saved for later)

20:00 - Dinner (at Krejsys, Gröna Lund) for conference participants

Fredag 13 september

9:00-12.30 VETENSKAPENS HUS (House of Science!)
8.30    Open to lay out display material at tables ("mini-posters")
9:00 – 9:30 Ann-Marie Pendrill (PoS 2002, SonS 2003) and Cecilia Kozma, Involving the teachers in Edutainment Days
9:30 – 10:00 Presentations

  • Johanna Windestål, Västerhöjdsgymnasiet, Using modern technology in high-school science teaching -  collaboration among teachers in a school
  • Katrin Lindwall and Mattias Davidsson, Linnæus university, Växjö, Apps and other ICT applications - use and development 

10:00 – 10:30 Poster session with coffee
10:30 – 12.00 Presentations and group work

  •  Maria Hagardt, Vinnova: "Science with and for Society" (SwfS), part of Horizon 2020

    12:00 – 13:00 Lunch  (Albanova)
    13:00 – 14:00 Groups report back.
    Discussions of possible experiments, observations, data, photo and video to be collected when park opens. Safety aspects reviewed.

    Bus to Gröna Lund

    15:00 – 18:00 Group work: Investigations in park and analysis and processing of material collected

    20:00 Dinner at Gröna Lund: Kryddhyllan

    Lördag 14 september Gröna Lund, Classic Café
    Start kl 9:00
    9:00 – 10:00 Presentations of group work
    10:00 – 10:30 Coffee
    10:30 – 11:00 Presentations of group work
    11.00 – 12.00 Organization of science days - how can parks, teachers, and other actors collaborate and how can more parks be involved (Possibly as video-conference?)

    12:00 – Lunch at Gröna Lund

    The first Edupark conference took place at Mirabilandia in September 2012 (see article in Physics Education, Jan 2013)

    Some papers about the project 

    See also ICPE presentation: Teacher roles in the amusement park